Thursday, May 14, 2009


Breathing into the darkness

I saw my life for what it really was

Those lies and the deception

Because everything with you was a complication

And everything I did

It felt like I needed your validation

The fights we had filled me with grief

Those good moments we had

Were always too brief

But since you’ve been gone

And since I’ve been alone

All that I feel now is relief.

Relief that it’s all over

That I don’t have to experience you anymore

Reprieved that now

I can live my life for me

For once in my life I won’t let myself feel

Like my heart tore

I’m climbing one step higher

One day at a time

One step at a time

And finally, FINALLY

I can push myself a little bit harder, a little bit higher

Because you’re not there to hold me back anymore.


dherej said...

love love LOVE
this one

Laughingsinner ♥ said...


kethes said...

what does it mean??? after a break up huh??? i felt this after my break up with my ex

Laughingsinner ♥ said...

welll. life.